CLASSES BEGAN WEDNESDAY, OCT. 2, 2024 following 6pm Mass.
For those who are interested in joining the Catholic faith please contact Fr. Ravi:
Contact the parish office during pregnancy to register for a parent preparation session and to schedule the baptism of your children. Baptisms are normally celebrated during or after one of the Sunday Masses or Saturday Vigil Mass.
Confessions are available Saturday 4:00-4:30pm or by appointment with Fr. Ravi at
First Saturdays 8:30am
First Reconciliation and First Communion
Usually done in 2nd grade after one year of Religious Education. Please contact Director of Religious Ed.,
Ellen Schmitz,
Please contact: Ellen Schmitz,
Begin preparation at least nine months in advance. Call 816-628-5030, Ext. 3, to register for the mariage preparation program. Date can be set only after preparation has begun.
Anointing of the Sick
Please call office when needed,
816-628-5030, Ext. 3
Holy Orders
If you are interested in the religious life please call the office.